MAME Olympiad issue : LUSENET : MARP Editors : One Thread

I'm trying to figure out how to get this thing started. I don't want to reveal what we're doing - (I think that's what we're trying to avoid) but I need to indicate that you can coordinate any game emulated by MAME. This is because as you know the Olympiad won't begin until MAMETE comes out - whenever this happens.

I'd like to get the scheduling of games started as soon as possible. I'll probably make an attempt of 1 game / genre each period of play.

Each prospective coordinator will be asked to give as many choices as possible - because first come first served OR more known experience would get the coordination. (example: if I tried to get coordination of Donkey Kong before Ben Jos Walbeehm did(and he did in this example) - I'd give Ben Jos the coordination because he's known to have a lot more experience than I.)

Should I just say pick any game that MAME has emulated and hope that somebody doesn't come up with a security issue?

Well I guess the worst that happens is we very briefly mention what we're doing... I imagine that it won't be the end of the world... unless we run into Stig Remnes that is :)

In addition - I might just go with 5 - 7 judges here. Probably down the lines of me, two to four additional editors, and two to four non-editors(who would get the really toned down version of the checker OR just checks the recordings to see if it plays back and we check for speed.)

This means the only responsibility for the game coordinators would be to come up with challenging DIP settings. I'll probably emphasize that they don't have to be Twin Galaxies settings.

I'll throw out the right to picking judges. That would be too complex - and way too much security being broken even with a very toned down checker... and I'm sure Mr. Walbeehm would agree with me.

Although it may not matter if we all take responsibility to check for problems in each INP - which might not be a problem at all - it depends on the participation of the Olympiad.

Is there any editors that would be willing to help judge? (RULE 1: Always check BEFORE assigning :) ) And I'm assuming Pat that you would like to still be judging coordinator of this activity - am I assuming correctly?

Thanks for reading... the... howwwwwwwwwwwwwl... scary issues of the MAME Olympiad! :) GB9

-- Anonymous, October 29, 2000


I would be willing to judge, but i can't think of a mame game i'd want to judge. do the judge applicants have to submit a game?

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2000

I'm looking for the editors to help me out check for speed, right version and all of that. They'll be known as technical judges.

The playback judges will need to offer their services to the game coordinators - the playback judges will check the DIPs the game coordinators assign(to the best of they're ability) and see if the game plays back.

Does this answer your question Skito?

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2000

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