shortfall following sale of property 15k owing : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

The Mortgage Corporation using Edwards-Geldard Solicitors Cardiff Ervin Alm acting for solicitors.

could anyone please provide me with some information on how to serve a letter DPA subject access Rights.

1. Would i serve this notice on the Motgage Company or solicitors acting for the Mortgage Corporation.

2. Is there a standard worded letter i could use !.

Thank you.

-- andrea bromley (, October 26, 2000


Hi Andrea,

I'm a litle confused whether it's Al or Andrea I'm responding to but nevertheless I'll try to help. Christine has already kindly posted a reply regarding the required letter so I hope that helps you. What I would suggest in addition, is that you visit the Data Protection web site at:

where you can familiarise yourself with the rights given to you by this Act of Parliament. If after having sent the legally required SAR request, you then receive by return, a form which may appear to limit those rights to receive ANY data held on you as the data subject then you must use your own judgement regarding the intention of the form.

If you then believe that the form is attempting to deceive you or erode your legal rights I would then suggest that you consider making a formal complaint about it's use to the Data Protection Commissioner whose address you will find on the site mentioned above.

It appears that lenders have adopted these types of forms and are attempting to explain their use as one of expediency. The ONLY legally required form of request is the standard letter from you requesting that they supply ANY data held by them on you as the data subject. You may also view an example of the required letter on the web site mentioned above.


-- Tony Hayter (, October 28, 2000.

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