The HALIFAX - 200,000 Mistakes - News Item : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

Money Unlimited - 25/10/200 - "Halifax admits letter gaffe"

The Halifax has written to more than 200,000 current account customers informing them they risk being penalised with a halt on interest payments, higher charges, and a longer wait for cheques to be cleared.

The bank, which admits its letter was misguided, has just embarked on a highly publicised campaign to shake up the staid current account market.

A Halifax spokesman last night admitted that the bank had made a mistake in the letters to "limited facilities" customers and pledged to write to them again.

"We're sorry. We've made a mistake and we're going to put it right," the spokesman said.


Wouldn't it be nice if they said that all the time!

Full Story at:,6449,387659,00.html

-- Tony Hayter (, October 25, 2000


Well you get a little extra help from the Halifax... about 200,000 times as much as you want in this case.

-- Eleanor Scott (, October 25, 2000.

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