treated post in the orchard? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have started a small orchard and vineyard. I have planted blackberries, raspberries and several variety of grapes. I am getting ready to put the posts up to support the wires and need to know if the treated posts will "leach" the chemicals into the ground and if so what can I use to prevent this? What else do you all use to support vines?

Has anyone use the creosote post or old RR ties? Would it be safe? thanks

-- Debbie T in N.C. (, October 18, 2000


Years ago I had 10 acres of grapes and used locust posts, also steel posts, some farmers used RR ties for end posts. Now I have only a few panels of grapes and I use treated end posts and T-post for the line. If you are worried about leaching use steel pipe.

-- Hendo (OR) (, October 18, 2000.

Do you have any hedge posts where you live?????? Sonda in Ks.

-- Sonda (, October 19, 2000.

Folks down the road use steel pipe set in concrete for their muskodine vines. Said they've never had any problems. I'm kicking around the idea of planting grapes too next year, and I'm going to have my buddy weld me up the "T"s out of 1" square stock, and just cement them in.

-- Eric in TN (, October 19, 2000.

A Countryside article mentioned that charring the end of the fencepost that will be in or near the ground will prevent rotting.

-- Mike O (, October 20, 2000.

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