Have you had an encounter with God?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

I am interested in gathering information on encounters which we have with the Divine. If you have had an experience which you know was such an encounter, please write me back. I am especially interested in Near Death Experiences, Angelic Encounters, Miraculous Healings, Holy Spirit Movements in and outside of Worship experiences, Visions, Dreams, Epiphanies, Spiritual Possession, etc.

I believe that the miraculous events described in the bible passages which record such experiences are still happening today. If you have had such an experience please let me know.

May God continue to Bless you!

Pastor Bishop

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2000


I was travelling from Baltimore MD, to London. We were in the air a good 4 hours when the pilot suddenly came on and requested for everyione to be seated and buckled. The passengers adhered and suddenly the flight plane just went down. Everybody was panicking but the Lord just blessed me with a peace that I now can explain as God saying to me everything is going to be allright. I was praying and thanking God for this life and thanking Him for the new life I am about to experience. We were down to 10,000 feet when the plane just straightened out and I could feel the plane ascending again. The pilot came on and told us he did not know what just happened but he is thankful that we were still in the land of the living. I screamed from my seat "It's the Lord, it's the Lord, Strong and Mighty. Then to my amazement the pilot came back on an said then we should thank God. And we did. God is Good, His mercy endureth forever.

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2000

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