Panasonic Standalone V2.51 : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have recently installed the Panasonic Standalone V2.51. When I tried to encode anything the encoded video part zoom through very fast and then the sound comes out. Does anyone has the same problem?

-- Softpro (, October 15, 2000


Exactly what is it you are trying to encode?? AVI?? MOV?? MPEG??

-- MT (, October 20, 2000.

Anything (AVI,MPG, etc.) will give me a very fast speed video and then the sound comes after. Could it be one of the CODEC that I have installed ?

-- Softpro (, October 20, 2000.

Make sure that you have the setting for mpeg stream or vcd template set and not just the audio.??

-- Billy, boy, boy, boy (, October 21, 2000.

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