Did Poe have any pets and if he did what was their names?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

Did Edgar Allen Poe have a cat or some sort of animal that he kept for a pet. If he did then what wer ethe names of them.

-- Anonymous, October 13, 2000



I suppose you and Zack are in the same class, eh? Poe's cat's name was "Catterina" and in some letters from Poe to Virginia or Maria Clemm, he often referred to the cat as "Kate". I read somewhere he also kept one or two birds.


-- Anonymous, October 13, 2000

As well as a pet raven Poe also had two cats,Catterina and Pluto. Poe wrote a composition on Pluto called "The Black Cat." You might be interested in that story. -Lisa 15 years of age

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2001

edgar allan poe had a coat named Kate and a dog named pluto! also, he had 2 birds... i remember reading about them in one of his poems... i am very interested in edgar poe and i have read so0o0o much about him... i hope u will find mi info very infoermative! thanks again... Jess p.s. iheard once from a museum mananger that they think he once had an iguana of some kind or an snake!!

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2003

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