Heating hot water with a Pioneer Maid Cookstovegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
There is available a water heating coil designed to fit the firebox of a Pioneer Maid Cookstove. Has anyone had any experience with this? How large a storage tank is necessary? How should the plumbing be set up? Any information would be appreciated. Bob Kidwell
-- Robert Kidwell (rivendel@frontiernet.net), October 05, 2000
Hi Go to the Lehman's site and see if you can find the informational packet on setting up a hot water tank to use with the wood stove. It costs about 5 dollars, but is well worth the money. We are replumbing the house and are setting up a water outlet right by the stove (we have the Bakers Choice with water jacket) and will have piping already in place to pipe out wood heated water to either the electric or the propane water heaters. With the price of electricity and propane, both of those tanks may end up being storage tanks for water heated by the wood stove. Be sure and use all the safety devices, release valves and temperature monitoring devices that Lehmans suggests, it's really important to be careful.
-- Anncats (annzavala@excite.com), October 07, 2000.
Our Amish friends have one in Aylmer Ontario where the stoves are made ,have you contacted the maker?I can get you the address if you like.
-- teri murphy (mrs_smurf2000@yahoo.com), October 23, 2000.