Tugboat arcade game - Anybody remember it?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

There was this old arcade game called "TugBoat" where you sailed down a river in a tugboat and you had to avoid logs. There was a horn button which you were supposed to be able to use to get other boats to move, if they were in your way. The game was at a Chuck 'E' Cheese near my house and I played it a few times. I don't remember being able to get past level 3, on which there was a big unbroken wall of logs.

Oh well. Anybody else remember "TugBoat"? It's not available on MAME yet...

-- Aaron Pieper (apieper@vt.edu), October 04, 2000


YES!! I remember Tugboat! I wish I knew if there was any way to find it again to buy. Where do old arcade games go when they die? I have memories of playing the game at a local pizza parlor every friday night. We got past level 3 though, I remember crowds of kids gathered around as I chugged along. It was such a fun game. I remember it being like half the size of a regular arcade game. Anybody who has input, email me at jaronsmith@msn.com! Later

-- Jaron Smith (jaronsmith@msn.com), December 21, 2001.

I'm working on getting a Tugboat rite now. I used to play it at a local pizza parlor when I was about 13. The parlor caught fire,but the game is OK. The people who own it say they don't know if they want to sell it or not. Its been sitting in there warehouse for the last 17 years!! I'll keep you posted.

-- Adam Fowler (sithlordx4@juno.com), July 12, 2003.

i remember the game and it was one of my favorites when i was a kid. would like to get the game one of these days. -alx-

-- alx king (alxking_2000@yahoo.com), October 25, 2003.

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