Abbey's obligation on death : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

Firstly thanks to those people who responded to my last question of how to proceed next with DLA.

My ex partner died and adverts were placed in the national press giving any creditors 6 months to come forward and claim against his estate.Abbey did not come forward and now want the full amount from me. My point is that they could have claimed the money then (and stood a better chance of getting it) but instead left it a further 3 years before they started chasing me.

Does anyone know if they were under any legal obligation to have claimed then?

Joanna Berry

-- Joanna Berry (, October 01, 2000


Please see my posting "Banking Ombudsman's report of a case regarding delay" I'm sure his decision would also apply to your case.

I wish you well, it's disgusting that Mortgage Lenders put people through this!

-- Tony Hayter (, October 02, 2000.

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