capture to mpeg using fire wire and ulead : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
can you capture mpeg format direct from the video camcorder using a fire wire card, unlead video and, a sony 310 camcorder?
-- Michael simon (, September 29, 2000
IEEE1394 (firewire) card does not support capture in mpeg directly.
-- romeo (, September 29, 2000.
No capturing occurs when a 1394 connection is used between such a card and a camcorder with the same connection in the strictest sense of the word; rather, data is merely moved from the tape inside the camcorder to the PC's HDD. Data in the HDD generally assumes the form of type-1 DV-coded AVI, and can now be manipulated with video editors that can accept such AVI, or encoded to MPEG. It's still possible to capture in MPEG, but using the analogue outputs.
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, September 30, 2000.