Art Deco couch designer : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread

I once came across a sofa that had been designed by Elaine Grey ( Incorrect Spelling of the Name) And due to my incorrect spelling I can no longer find the couch that I was after, she designed it around 1920 I believe and it is still being produced today.

I is very simplistic with a large armrest each side and large square cusions which lay on top of the arm rests. I have seen it produced in black armrests and a orange coloured leather.

Any response would be greatly appreciated.



-- Chris Evans (, September 26, 2000


Probably the name you are looking for is Eileen Gray.

There is some information about her at

-- R Bradshaw (, September 30, 2000.

there is an original sofa by her in Richmond, at the big museum there. It's a very famous piece.

-- stephanie (, June 22, 2001.

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