Don't Notice Me, Hey, Why Aren't You Noticing Me? : LUSENET : Hedgehog Talk : One Thread |
Have you ever not wanted to be the centre of attention about something, but when you aren't, are you annoyed?
-- Kymm Zuckert (, September 22, 2000
Yeah, last time I cut and dyed my hair, very few people said anything. Hello? Long and blonde, to short and bright red???
-- Mary Ellen (, September 23, 2000.
When I plucked my eyebrows for the first time I was being all expressive with my husband and he took not one notice of my oh-so-well-designed eyebrowisms!
-- tango (, September 26, 2000.
The only surefire way to get commentary on your appearance is to wear a hat or a military garment. A fur coat will generally do it too, but not in a good way. I don't know why people always need to say "Nice hat," or ask you if your peacoat is authentic and where you got it, but they do. Even a simple beret provokes commentary. Other aspects of your comportment, well... When I got my braces off: nothing; all the times I turned my hair some hideous and inadvertent color: nothing; when I wear a skirt so short that it scarcely covers my ass: nothing. Everyone was then too busy looking for people to say "nice hat" to.I can double the commentary on my wardrobe by wearing my Air Assault cap with the insignia, as it's both a hat *and* military. Actually the watch cap with an 8-ball patch on it that I got at a Mexican flea market gets so many off-the-wall remarks that I don't even like to don it anymore.
-- Kim Rollins (, September 29, 2000.