How do you work out? : LUSENET : Blowing Bubbles : One Thread

How do you get your exercise? Mine seems to be trips to the corner store while at work and trips to the pharmacy when i'm at home.

I'm hoping to change this shortly.

-- Sherry (, September 20, 2000


I don't like to "work out" at all. I would prefer to play sports to get my exercise. I love throwing the football around; shooting hoops, etc. My favorite lately though is to ride my bike. I ride it every day from our apartment to the Metro (subway) and back. But its only a 2 mile round trip. My legs are hard and muscular again, but I have not gotten my heart rate up enough. And as it gets colder it is going to be more difficult. But I am gonna try dammit.


-- Scully (, September 21, 2000.

I bought a bunch of home video workout tapes. I know...some of those things are very difficult to keep up with, but I found a bunch of videos from one woman who totally made an aerobics nut out of me! Normally I am a swimmer, but I haven't been able to find time either to commit to going OUT to workout. There is this totally cool woman, Leslie Sansone, who has walk aerobics tapes. They are out of this world! Very simple, very fun, and very effective! She has all levels of tapes and even toning. She has a website of products if you are interested. , I believe. If that isn't it, plug in Leslie Sansone into a search engine. She's wonderful!

-- Amy Imel (, May 29, 2001.

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