Embedded chips

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Y2K discussion group : One Thread

As of this date, I am unaware of any
definative embedded chip problems that
can be attributed to the Year 2000

Before the roll-over there was much
testing that showed that many chips
throughout the industry would fail.

These predictions have been shown to
be correct, but the secrecy involved
in the nuclear, electric and refinery
industries have made it difficult to
draw any connections.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2000


I've been very suspicious about the timing of the oil shortage. Can't help feeling there's a connection. Or, maybe it's just greed, supply & demand...

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2000

Agreed! What is up w/ oil?? Been wondering about this lately; perhaps someone more knowledgeable will weigh in?

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2000

Check out the link to the post on
Downstreamer's site.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2000

The answer may be in looking at the trends, rather than being able to nail any specific event. A link to an analysis I prepared recently of the startling (to me) timing of EPA enforcement issues relating to oil spills, and in particular pipeline spills:

http://pub5.ezboard.com/fyourdony2kglitches.showMessage? topicID=105.topic

-- Anonymous, September 21, 2000

Thanks Brooks, this is the kind of research
that was needed to move this topic from
a general feeling to statistical comparison.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2000

EZ Board link

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2000

I just reread some January info on the
roll-over and there were plenty of embedded
chip problems. Quite a few in the medical
field (defibulators, heart monitors), some
taxi meters and recently there was a report
of a Sheriff that had just asked for $5000
for a new time clock for his employees. It
seems that the clock died at roll-over and
he was too embarassed to tell the county
because of his polly attitude about Y2K and
his refusal to use the consultant the county
had hired to find such problems.

-- Anonymous, December 20, 2000

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