what happened?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : digital ink : One Thread

Whoa.. where'd Katie's site go? Am I the only one who just sees a directory? And a pretty much empty directory at that..

-- Anonymous, September 16, 2000


Yep, I get that too. I got a 404 on the weblog this afternoon and then went to the main page to see what happened. Maybe just a server error? Who knows.

-- Anonymous, September 16, 2000

I found katie's imood and yeah, seems like the server's down. she was going to put a new layout up this morning it read.

wow! I haven't seen a new layout on digital ink in forever, so I hope the problem gets fixed soon. phooey.

-- Anonymous, September 16, 2000

Oh, okay. That sucks! Silly servers. I can't wait to see the new layout, though.

-- Anonymous, September 16, 2000

Yeah, they were having server problems -- it was only supposed to be down a few hours, but that turned into an entire day.

As for the new layout, I figured screw it. My design skills are non- existent.

-- Anonymous, September 17, 2000

damnit! I wanted to see it. Maybe you could put a sample of it on a separate directory and let US vote on it *nudge* *nudge* lol.

-- Anonymous, September 17, 2000

I do not care what happened. I came here because I have re-developed my old misanthropic tendencies and had typed "misanthrope" on a search engine. It would be very interesting to see a group of misanthropists involved in a conversation. I believe that misanthropes are misanthropic because they love life too much, so much so that it hurts to live in a world where life is superficial. My greatest fear is that I may be superficial. Too superficial to appreciate this life that I was born into. Every now and then I see beauty and feel pain but most of the time I just exist, like the mindless zombie that I might be.

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2000


-- Anonymous, September 20, 2000


-- Anonymous, September 20, 2000


-- Anonymous, September 20, 2000

Oh! I see...the point...I think...

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2000


-- Anonymous, August 09, 2001

Reviving an old topic: What happened? Am I the only one getting a 403 Forbidden error upon trying to access the site?

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

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