AME Supported Secondary Schools : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Does anyone have information about the number and location of elementary, middle school or high-schools which are privately financed and run by the AMEC? I find it someone ironic that the US Presidential race is talking a lot about education reform in failing inner city school districts [read: black kids are near functionally illiterate]while at the same time the black church remains conspicuously silent. The AMEC is arguably the most educationally gifted of all branches of black Protestanism. It would be a dereliction of social duty if we did not provide alternatives in the form of parochial schooling similar to the success that our Catholic and Hebrew brothers have accomplished across the nation.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2000


Both Allen AMe, Jamaica, NY and Bridgestreet AME, Brooklyn NY have Christian Prepatory schools in New York

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2000

St. Paul AME, Cambridge, MA has the Henry Buckner School.

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2000

Texas contributes the HOuston-Davidson Academy, an elemtary school that sits on the campus of Paul Quinn College. Grant, Austin is also either in the process or has started a charter school at the elementary level. The Henry Buckner School in Cambridge is early elementary (K-2), and the Allen School in Jamaica is K-8.

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2000

St. James AME in Newark New Jersey


Bethel AME in Baltimore Maryland

both also have schools I believe.

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2000

First A.M.E. Los Angeles under the dynamic Leadership of Pastor Cecil Murray has the Cecil Murray Educational Center which goes through Middle School (up to Eighth Grade). They can be reached at

blessings, Mike

-- Anonymous, September 16, 2000

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