different versions of VCD

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

What are the different versions of a VCD? How do they differ? Can a DVD player play all versions of VCDs?

-- Joby Thomas (joby@dsco-sa.com), September 12, 2000


There are three major versions of vcd's. Any vcd compatible device should be able to play track based mpegs, but not necessaryly menus and still pictures.

VCD 1.0 basic video only VCD 1.1 Still pictures + menus? VCD 2.0 menus / karioke / plus above. VCD 3.0 was later absorved by the SVCD standard.

Most players on the market today will play all of them, but buyer beware, if it's not listed assume it's not supported unless you try it out.

-- eric (eric@nospam.snowmoon.com), September 12, 2000.

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