Is there a picture of you that you just LOVE? : LUSENET : actualsize : One Thread

Was it taken by someone close to you? Were you at a place that was particularly meaningful? Were you wearing somthing special - or nothing at all?

Or have there been any really awful pics - ones that you wish would just go away?

-- Atara (, September 11, 2000


I had a really nice picture of myself on Hunters Brook Bridge (which no longer exists) and the damn CVS people lost the negatives when I tried to get a reprint. -:(

-- Xydexx Squeakypony (, September 12, 2000.

Hi Sarah! You're lovely! That's a really nice picture. I'm like you, I hate having pictures taken of me. I always seem to look bad. But there are a few pictures that my boyfriend has taken of me that I absolutely love. They bring something out in you I think.

-- Angela (, September 12, 2000.

My alltime favorite picture of myself is actually kind of similar to yours, peeking out from behind a door. I was about 3 years old at the time.

I also have a picture of myself in high school that I still use for ID cards and such. Nothing special about it, just that my hair was actually out of my face, eyes open and not red, etc. I figure I don't really look THAT much different (10 years later) so why not?

-- Sarah (, September 12, 2000.

There's one picture my husband took with a digital camera that I love.

It's here;

It's the best picture ever taken of me.

-- Suzy (, September 14, 2000.

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