Was Richie Hawtin at Burning Man 2000?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread

I have a question: Was Richie Hawtin (aka Plastikman) performing at Burnign Man 2000? Someone told em he was and I was really curious if it was true. If anyone has pictures of him there I would love to see them? Thanx.

-- Rachael Stiegel (rstiegel@umich.edu), September 10, 2000


You are thinking of Oakenfold. Not the best set that year. nice enough guy though. For an enourmously overated dj.

-- oxeon (oxeon@hotmail.com), August 20, 2001.


-- none at aoldotcom (none@aol.com), July 26, 2001.

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