Ahel enlarger

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I'm still searching for an enlarger!! Has anyone had any experience with a make of 5x4 enlarger called "AHEL"?? Regards Paul

-- paul owen (paulowen_2000@yahoo.com), September 05, 2000


Paul, please be serious! Have you seen the AHEL? It is very simple to say the least! It is cheap! But that's about it. A crude and primitive enlarger, you can find cheap things on the second hand maket, you only need to be patient, have you checked http:// www. silverprint.co.uk ? they might have some second hand things, bargains are to be found on classified adverts or at labs. Keep searching, Good luck!

-- andrea milano (milandro@multiweb.nl), September 06, 2000.

I'll take that as a thumbs down then!!!!!!! Many thanks Paul

-- paul owen (paulowen_2000@yahoo.com), September 06, 2000.

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