Lyme Aid Combo Run Sept 9 : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

Here's info on an interesting event next Sat: LYME AID COMBO RUN - "This is a gem of a trail race. Held at Minor Park off of Red Bridge Rd in KCMO - this is not a flat paved street, mindless running, road race. Concentration and sure footing will be essential for this trail race that covers just under 6 miles of dirt, mud, rocks, roots, spider webs. . . and 4 creek crossings. If watching the course isn't enough, there are colorful bandannas hidden along the route. Retrieve one of them and you receive one of our awesome door prizes. ". . .$50 cash prize to the top male/female runner. Trophies to top 2 in each age group."

Would be fun for OKers to show up in our O toops and spikes. Starts 8 am. Sponsored by Harvest Graphics, 14839 W 95th (95th & Lackman) - packet pickup is 4pm-7pm on Fri, Sept 8. More info: Lisa Cowan 913-345-9016. or email:

Their other 2 events are a cross country race at SM Park, Oct 14, and a Paintball biathlon Nov 11. The title of the 3 race series: "Seriously Fun Runs".

-- Mean Gene (, September 04, 2000


Is it true that funds from the Lyme Aid Combo Run go towards finding a cure for Lyme Disease?

-- Mook (, September 05, 2000.

Yes, proceeds benefit the KC Lyme Assoc.

-- mean gene (, September 05, 2000.

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