where can i send my sheep pelts?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
years ago i heard of a process for sheep pelts that would make them machine washable. does anyone know what company would do this. have some beautiful pelts that i would love to have done. zielingers takes care of all my wool, but they do not provide this service. can anyone help me out?
-- laura cavallari (ladygoat13@aol.com), September 04, 2000
Hi Laura. I send my goat, sheep and deer skins to Bucks Co. Fur Products, 220 1/2 Ambler St. Rear, Quakertown, PA 18951, 215-536- 6614. They have raised their prices in the last year or two and I don't remember if they do the washable treatment for sure but I vaguely remember reading that they do. The only complaint I have is that they pierce the pelt in the shoulder area to move it from process to process. They have done a good job on all my work but I'm careful to get it salted quickly or into the freezer until I have time to do it. The only ones I was disappointed with weren't skinned properly and not their fault. I've talked with one man there who was really kind and helpful and another who couldn't have cared less. Good luck getting the nice guy!
-- marilyn (rainbow@ktis.net), September 04, 2000.
I always sent my pelts to Bucks County as well, although I haven't sent any in several years. They do indeed have a process that allows you to wash the tanned skins, and they wash nicely indeed. GL!
-- Brad (Homefixer@SacoRiver.net), September 05, 2000.