Froze 6 bushels of corn : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Well I went to the farmers' market on Saturday and bought six bushels of corn which I brought home to freeze. My girlfriend and I processed two bushels including shucking, blanching and taking the kernels off of the cobs. We then packaged them in freezer bags. Then since she only wanted to have one bushel, I went home to process the other four. Dear hubby had shucked three of the bushels for me, including taking off the silks and had them sitting waiting for me on the counter. I was so tickled that he had done that for me. It made the project a lot less ornerous. But, I am very happy now because it was the sweetest corn and we both really like corn. I had done two bushels last weekend and since hubby had kept going to the freezer and having them now, I decided that I better have a lot more for winter so now I have a total of seven bushels, minus what Hubby has already eaten!! Boy it is a great feeling.

-- Colleen (, September 03, 2000


You go girl!! A friend and I did 200 ears a few weeks ago and it took absolutely forever!! Corn is not one of my fav things to process (ranks right up there with endin and snappin those dang green beans!) but I sure do love eating it!

There's nothing like knowing that you have healthy, no chemical food in your freezer for the winter!!

-- Misha (, September 03, 2000.

Here's a tip to make it go even faster - don't blanch. We have never blanched our corn on the cob or off. Even 6 months later it still tastes good. Save the heat and the time and don't blanch.

-- Vaughn (, September 03, 2000.

Colleen -- my only question is -- how big is your freezer!?!?

-- Tracy (, September 03, 2000.

Wow!You surely have been busy!

Isn't it so nice to have friendly help with your canning,freezing,etc. When I help my friend do peaches,we always have such a nice time together.

God Bless,~~~Tracy~~~

-- Tracy Jo Neff (, September 03, 2000.

I had a canning "marathon" yesterday. Did salsa, tomato sauce, applesauce and apple butter. My tomatos were great this year. Today I'll do corn. I love seeing all those beautifully colored jars lined up, I feel happy and proud. I was thinking about this yesterday - when I was growing up, no one I knew canned anything. Wish I could remember how I got started. Sure am glad I did!

-- Cathy Horn (, September 04, 2000.

Good for you Colleen. We had corn blight, so there was little to freeze. I'm very thankful there was a bumper crop last year even though there was a draught.

-- Cindy (, September 04, 2000.

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