Where to live in West Virginis Part II

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I think that I may have done a diservice to my community by only giving information that attracts tourists and investors. Brian, in restrospect, I would tell you this- If I could pick anyplace in this state to live, I would choose Pocahontas County. This is one of the lowest crime rates in the country,has many properties that are VERY affordable, neighbors that will help you, people that will accept you,and people who are willing to guide you. This county is the largest in the state as far as land mass goes and the the smallest population. You can drive for twenty miles and not see a car. As far as economy goes, it is very supresed. The major employer is a ski resort that is now becoming a year round business. The life is simple and plain, happy for the adults, ugly for the kids. One of these days when the girls are done with college and I am out of med school,I want to live there. This is my goal. For everyone who thinks West By God Stand Up And Take Your Hat Off When You Say It Virginia is a third world country, you"re correct. You can only live here if you truly want to.

-- Terri Perry (tperry@stargate.net), August 30, 2000


Terri I had to grin at the last part of your post. I was born and grew up in WV. Countless times over the years when I would tell people where I was from they would have some remark to make about how illiterate WV'ians were, marrying cousins/siblings, etc. A few didn't realize that WV was a state, not just western Virginia. Their remarks told me who truly was illiterate.

Pocohantas county is lovely. Best of luck to you.

-- Marci (ajourend@libby.org), August 31, 2000.

I really disagree that WV is a third world country. ANY RURAL (no cars for 20 miles, no community center) area in ANY state will seem that way.

I have season tickets to the Broadway/ concert season in Morgantown. I have gone to Charleston (our capital) and met w/ my representatives and they greet me as if I was an old friend (I'm not). I have endured tons of misinformation and generalizations about our state. I would like to suggest less generalizations that add to the "whole state is this way" theories.

People come from around the USA to get treated at Ruby Memorial at the Cancer Center. There is one university and 2 4-yr colleges within a 45 minute radius. There are vo-tech schools too.

There are brilliant, artistic, kind people here. There are cranky, poor, ignorant, violent people here. I have been shunned due to my "minority" status and have been welcomed for it. Gee, sounds like everywhere else doesn't it?

Here's my generalization: If you are looking for a place to make you happy, then I suggest you get happy where you are, because if you aren't happy there, you never will be anywhere. Home is what you make it.

-- Anne (HT@HM.com), September 01, 2000.

HI Terri Thanks for the West Virginia Part II. Thanks Again Brian :)

-- Brian (thebirdman67@hotmail.com), September 02, 2000.

Okay, you guys. I live in Virginia, (not a native), and have been trying to figure out where I would like to move to when I retire in eight years. West Virginia is one of the places I keep coming back to and then I'll read something negative about it and change my mind again. I have come to the conclusion that those of you that are already there are spreading these negative ideas so you can keep it all for yourself. I have a feeling that it is really a nice place to live and you just want to keep it your secret. LOL Anne, your words are very true. We all can make a place a good place or a bad place to be.

-- Colleen (pyramidgreatdanes@erols.com), September 05, 2000.

West Virginia is a beautiful state with loads of wonderful people! At least that's the way I see it . My family goes back to the 1700's in Webster County and before that in other counties and it's my second home. I'm a native Virginian but as 2/5 of my immediate family hails from WV, it's home as well. We still go back many, many times a year to visit relatives, stay at the cabin Daddy built for us, fish the Elk River, go to the World Famous Woodchopping Festival and do lots of other great stuff. Webster used to be famous for 2 things: it had the most outdoor privies (and conversely, the fewest indoor bathrooms) of any county in WV and it had the smallest population. It still has fewer than 5,000 full time residents. The folks who come and throw a sleeping bag on the ground don't count. It only counts if ya pay taxes !

Pocahontas is beautiful as well but has too many people, imho. I've shepherd friends in Pocahontas who have sold out to urbanites from DC who plan to turn the old farm into a "retreat" for stressed out preppies or yuppies or whatever the PC term is nowadays. Oh my...there goes the neighborhood! It's usually a shocking experience to find out manure really does smell! My horses get more frequent manicures than I do; unless trimming with a pocket knife counts .

As far as jobs go, I've male relatives and friends who are driving a minimum of 1.5 hours, one way, to work at coal fields. One fellow I know had a 2 hour commute, one way. Work is scarce in the more rural areas but I've found that to be true most places where there's not easy access to a city.

I'm not cracking on Pocahontas, just saying I'm biased in my love of Webster County. It's more rural, smaller population (unless you count those pesky trout fishers ) and more unspoiled beauty. But Pocahontas does have Cass Scenic Railroad and that counts tons. But, Webster is also getting their own scenic railroad and that evens things out.

As to the people in any county, any state...take a good look in the mirror. That's the kind of folks you'll find.

Sandra Bennett

-- Sandra Bennett (bricbenn@netscope.net), December 30, 2001.

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