Chronic isn't it : LUSENET : R.E.M. : One Thread

I bought this interview on a vinyl record the other day called REM audio visual it says it's a collector item and I want to know does anyone else have it also could everyone tell me if they have chronic town what do they have it on record, cd or tape thanks

-- dj lotus nugent (, August 29, 2000


Is that interview record a "picture" disc? It sounds familier and if it's the same one then I have it as well. I don't think a lot of other people would have it unless it was re-issued so, yes, it's fairly uncommon and collectable.

I have Chronic Town on vinyl and CD, as well as tacked on to the Dead Letter Office re-issue CD.

-- Fretless108 (, August 30, 2000.

Cam u got everything. But I have Chronic Town on CD, Dead Letter Office re-issue,Lifes' Rich Pageant re-issue, and Document re-issue that is digitally re-mastered and comes w/ original packaging. Now, how ya feel?

-- Stippleganger (, August 30, 2000.

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