greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I checked the MPEG Audio/Video Tracks of VCD, that is AVSEQnn.DAT and found that they seem to be RIFF files because the first four bytes of the .dat files are "RIFF". I also found that there are 28 bytes data between two packs of the files. Because these data are not defined in the MPEG specification, I don't know what they mean. I can't find them in VCD v2.0 specification, neigher. Could anyone give me some suggestion? Thanks.

-- Chun-Hung Lin (chlin@ulead.com.tw), August 28, 2000


The .dat file includes some additonal bits for error checking --- same way of audio CDs. Therefore, the .dat file is always longer than the original .mpg In other hands, Windows always wrappes the VCD stream in a RIFF/CDXA format.

-- Roberto Maureira (rmaureir@adexus.cl), August 30, 2000.

-- esra yC=lmaz (fidan21@hotmail.com), October 31, 2000.


-- bs (beh@yahoo.com), December 31, 2000.

There's a useful utility that strips microsoft's RIFF encapsulation so you have a true MPEG file.

It can be found here: http://www.vcdimager.org/pub/vcdimager/contribs/cdxa2mpeg.c

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-- Chris Allen (daffy@digitekdesign.com), December 22, 2003.

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