A Satir...uh, I mean a story/sorry if I sent this before

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

I want to tell something a preacher told once. Please let this not offend anyone.

A man went down to be baptized. The preacher was talking with him and the man said, "How will it feel?" The preacher said, "Oh, it will be all right. I will hold on to you well, you will be safe." The man said, "No, no, I mean how will it feel when I receive the Holy Spirit." The preacher, knowing he didn't have time to really explain, told him they would talk about it later. Not to worry if nothing happened.

Well, as the man went under the water he stiffened out. The preacher said he was jealous because when he was baptized nothing happened to him like that. Then as he brought the man up out of the water he was holding his head. Seems as the man was being lowered into the water he hit his head on the cement steps.

End of story!

nib Nelta Brock http://members.xoom.com/atlen/

-- Anonymous, August 27, 2000

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