What happened to Sedgewick?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Utah Freezz : One Thread

I know we pick up bill Sedgewick at the end of last season and was impressed by him just wondering where he went? Also was wondering if the 1st round choice of the freezz has returned to play yet??

-- Chris Paul (ivyoper@aol.com), August 27, 2000


I'm still curious what happened to Bill Sedgwick too. I know that we did get a new Freezz player, i actually had the pleasure of meeting him in the elevator after last night's game against Arizona. His name is Billy (didn't catch his last name), but he said he was brought down from Portland, and will start playing this week, so that should be exciting.......does anyone know the latest on the Matt Hein "situation"???

-- Karolyn (karolyn@gurlmail.com), August 27, 2000.

Is it Billy Crook? If so, he's a great defender, although he's about 38 and injury-proned.

Sedgewick was only on loan from his A-League team and returned to play for them this year. There's a chance he could come play for Utah for the final 7 games or so again this year.

-- Sydney Nusinov (Vonisun@aol.com), August 30, 2000.

Billy Crook played for Portland last year so hopefully that's him. He lives in Federal Way, Washington. After the Pythons folded, Billy was drafted by St Louis but not signed. I think his rights, along with ex-Python now A League player Kevin Legg's, were traded back to the Portland franchise in exchange for Goal Keeper Brett Phillips. It was a crummy way to end an otherwise fine career so it would be great if he gets to play for the Freezz.

-- Downing Bethune (pdxcyclist@mindspring.com), August 31, 2000.

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