Seriously Connie, Why Are You Here?? : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread


Why are you here?? In the month's you have been here you haven't changed your mind about a single thing. Doesn't make a difference who points it out, how nice they are, how loving they are, how sugar coated it still stand on the same assumptions you had when you came here.

You claim that you are "attacked" for your beliefs (which is a strawman). The fact are confronted with your beliefs.

You claim there is no edification, no building up, etc...etc.

So the question is.....why are you here??

There has to be a million denominational web pages out there that are more in line with the things you believe. There has to be a million forums where they would be "blessed" by what you have to say.

Why do you find it neccessary to stay here and call into question the faith of those such as D. Lee Muse, myself, and Lee Saffold, and others who confront you about your false teachings?? (Sorry....that's what they are. Matter fact, no I'm not sorry.)

When I look at the controversies of the last few months....most of them find you somewhere at the center. Is your purpose to soley cause division?? Do you find entertainment value in that??

Then.....when you are simply boo, and hiss, and cry that you are being picked on....because you're different.

I'm serious Connie.....why are you here??

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2000


Only God knows.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2000

Perhaps it's to bring the rest of you together. ;-)...;-)

I see even you and Nelta are having a better relationship.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2000


I must admit that there have been a couple of times (esp. on the languages ["tongues"] issue) when I too have gotten a little irritated with your responses. But for the most part, I've been happy to have you around. You help "sharpen" the rest of us, "as iron sharpens iron" (Prov. 27:17). After all, if everyone here agreed with everyone else things wouldn't be anywhere near this lively. Without you and some of the other "burrs under the saddle blanket", we might only have a "mutual congratulation society."

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2000

I have often wondered the same myself Danny.

Connie, maybe you could give it some time and think about it.

My problem with that Benjamin is that I am more concerned that Connie accept the gospel and follow it than I am with using her to sharpen myself, that I can do in other ways.

Isn't having a "mutual congratulation society" just the thing Christ wants us to do ESPECIALLY in the area of salvation?

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2000

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