Rabbit question (doe with long teeth)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have a three month old doe rabbit that I was going to use as a breeding doe. She has lower teeth about an inch long, while 3 other does out of the same litter are fine. I will cull her but I need to know if this is genetic or a lack of something. I have not had a problem with this before. I feed a pelleted feed that has supposed 100% nutrition. Thank you all in advance.
-- Lawannea S. Stum (Whitedov1@citlink.net), August 23, 2000
I think its genetic,, Your right to cull her and get another doe from a diffrent line.. Eating will be impossable for her.. Thank goodness rabbits are cheap enough to start over..Pellets are supposed to be complete food, I feed pellets and the stems from alfalfa hay that the goats don't eat..Doris in Idaho
-- Doris Richards (dorisquilts@webtv.net), August 24, 2000.
It is genetic, crops up every now and then. We had a Red Satin doe years ago that we had to take pliers to every couple of weeks and nip her excess tooth growth off -- finally got smart and ate her -- she was pretty good eating, too!
-- Kathleen Sanderson (stonycft@worldpath.net), August 24, 2000.
I had a baby that was dying as it was being weined. I didn't discover right away that it's teeth were lopsided. I trimmed them with wire cutters and did it again in a couple of weeks. They never over grew again, in the two years I've had her so far. (son wouldn't let me sell at this point) She didn't breed so I have no way of knowing if it would have carried over.
-- Dee (gdgtur@goes.com), August 27, 2000.