NAIHF : LUSENET : R.E.M. : One Thread

Am i the only one (or fan) who's completely addicted to this album or what? I mean I love every REM album I've heard, but NAIHF is so addicting. I put it on repeat for hours. I brought this up because someone asked about Leave, which is such a great song, and it reminded me of NAIHF and how i'm so addicted to it. Really i get withdrawls if I don't hear it at least once a day. Boring topic sorry:).

-- Lisa (, August 17, 2000


I totally agree with you!! In my opinion, its the closest theyve ever come to a perfect album.....Il ove The wake-up bomb, new test leper, and....well, just about everything on it!!

-- ronan hunt (, August 17, 2000.

Lisa, you are definitely not the only one. I love New Adventures, it's the most complete album they've done. Every song is R.E.M. at their best, and it's the sort of album that I can listen to in any mood. I think it was perhaps R.E.M.'s defining album as a rock band, and perhaps the reason (aside from the loss of Bill) that "Up" was such a departure.

-- KarlOS (, August 17, 2000.

i love naihf too, but wasn't this one of the less successful albums they did? they release e-bow as a single and according to peter this "killed the record stone dead". just saying, but yeah i do love the album, it makes me think of my holiday, which is great.

-- jen (, August 17, 2000.

Hi-fi reminds me of summer. I spent hours rummaging round in indie record shops and those Cd fairs looking for a copy of the album that was priced less than #17.00. In the end I liberated a copy and listened to it for a whole afternoon, not really believing how good it was. It also reminds me of fighting Liquid Snake in the helicopter on Metal Gear Solid, because my Cd player got stuck and repeated So Fast, So Numb about 10 times during the battle...This album is without a doubt my favorite (and also the final album I needed to complete my collection.)Standout tracks - New Test Leper, E- bow, Be Mine (The best love song ever written), Electrolyte.

Sheer genius

-- Jon Kinsey (, August 17, 2000.

I totally love New Adventures. Its a brilliant album(well all rem albums are brilliant but,) I love e-bow the letter, be mine and leave. and all the rest!!!

-- Suzanne (, August 22, 2000.

I didn't really like NAIHF when I first heard it, but after a few listens I got used to it, and now every song sounds great. It takes a while to really get into the record, not like other R.E.M. stuff at all!

-- Bob (, August 23, 2000.

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