Forum is back! : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
I guess if you're here you knew that. Duh. But I just wanted to say that it's been a very lonely, boring day with you guys. Man, I thought I was going to die.As you were.
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2000
Don't you mean you had a very boring and lonely day without us?Pedantically yours,
-- Anonymous, August 15, 2000
Uh, yeah, that's what I meant. I was just testing you, James. I missed you most of all. ;-)
-- Anonymous, August 15, 2000
Hooray. Just thought I'd revive this thread.
-- Anonymous, January 23, 2001
Hah. Are you really glad it's back, though? I mean, what with all those "server too busy" messages and time outs and waiting an hour for a page to load? Because I don't think I missed that part.
-- Anonymous, January 23, 2001
I sort of missed it. Although I must say, I was rather surprised when my inbox started filling up with Xeney forum messages again this morning. Pleasantly surprised, mind you! But surprised.So are you going to go to some UBB thing or what? I have to confess that I have a soft spot for these bare bones Greenspun forums. It's just so stark and... po-mo.
-- Anonymous, January 23, 2001
I kind of like them, too, but this poor server is just overloaded. And it's a pain to administer. If I decide to do a forum, it will look a bit like UBB, but it will use a MySQL database and a PHP interface. We found one we liked that uses UBB codes, looks quite a lot like UBB (actually more like the forums at Mighty Big TV), and is -- whoohoo! -- free, but it will be kind of a pain to set up, so I want to be sure I want to do this first.So somewhat like UBB and familiar to anyone who's used that, but more stable, and probably a little faster.
In the meantime, you could use the groovy free bbs that came with my account. It makes this place look high tech.
-- Anonymous, January 23, 2001
pleasantly surprised here too!:)
-- Anonymous, January 23, 2001
Surprised, pleased. Glad there's no cooter-talk. And looking forward to the new forum. Whee!
-- Anonymous, January 24, 2001
I hope you decide to keep a forum. I REALLY miss(ed) this one.
-- Anonymous, January 25, 2001
So, are you going to give us the lowdown on what happened over at 3WAY? Was there a cool fight? Or did you just wake up one day and realize how badly it sucked?
-- Anonymous, January 31, 2001