NEED BASIC ADVICE ON NEGATIVE CARRIER : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I'm in the process of buying a used Beseler 23CII; planning to do 6X7 cm enlargements. No negative carriers are included. I know that I can scan the Web for new and used ones, but would not know exactly what I'm getting, whether there are different types available for that model (i.e. glass/glassless) or not. I'd appreciate any guidance. Thanks!

-- david dufurrena (, August 11, 2000


Don't laugh! I make my own out of 4 ply mat board & they have been working fine for the last several years!


-- Christian Harkness (, August 12, 2000.

Go to and email Lisa or Will. They should be able to help you out.

-- Scott Walton (, August 21, 2000.

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