Sonic DVDit queries : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi all,

As a newby to the VCD, SVCD and DVD game, I've been reading this forum with great interset, and gaining many a useful hint and tip...thanks to all who contribute.

I was reading recently about Sonic's DVDit software package (can't remember where exactly). One interesting feature that stuck in my mind was the ability to create a DVD file structure that could be burnt onto a CD, but only played on PC DVD players (can't remember if it was software of hardware players either). Does anyone here have any experience with DVDit? And if so could they please shed some light on the software and it's abilities, in particular this DVD on CD format.

Thanks in anticipation, and keep up the good work all.

-- Chris Kenny (, August 07, 2000


You are correct about DVDit capabilities. Mpeg2 video burnt to CDR in DVD style menu and file system. Plays OK on a PC with an Mpeg2 codec installed but 3 standalone DVD players tested all refused to play. I suspect that the DVD players all tried to use their DVD lasers first, when that failed the players decided the media was not a DVD, and applied the CDR laser which only looks for audio, VCD or SVCD file structures. We got a Melbourne distributer to cut a test CD for us.

-- Garth (, August 08, 2000.

Tenerife Canarias

-- juan ramos (, December 29, 2000.

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