apple cider vinegar acidity : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We have had 14 gallons of apple cider in crocks in our basement since October (9-10 mo). We followed the advise in Countryside Magazine on titration to determine the acidity. To our surprise, the vinegar was only 3 % instead of the 5 % desired. We understood that homemade vinegar is stronger than store-boughten, so we were expecting to have to dilute it. Our question is whether being in the basement at about 60 degrees through the winter slowed the process. Should we just be patient and continue to let it sit or should we add some honey or put it in a warmer spot to speed things up?

-- Jill D. Wright (, August 05, 2000


Cider acidity (pH) will range from 2.9 to 3.3.

Or, are you talking about alcohol content?

-- JimR (, August 07, 2000.

Thank you JimR ( for your info and question. From the articles in the July/August 1999 Countryside (specifically p. 47 on titration), I believe I am referring to acetic acid strength of the vinegar. Apparently to be comparable with store-boughten and standard recipes the vinegar needs to be 5% (or 5 grain). I don't believe alcohol content is what I am interested in.

-- Jill D. Wright (, August 07, 2000.

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