JML Optics - anyone used these? : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Hello. I have purchased a JML Optical Ind. enlarging lens in a lot with some other lenses and need info on this make. I found the website which seems to still be producing optics, but I am really interested in hearing from someone who has actually used them. Anyone who could provide a comparative analysis or a link to one would be a hero for a day!!

This lens is a 135mm f 4.5-32 and feels like about 3-5 elements in at least two groups. The aperture is silky smooth like my Computar dL's. I will not have a chance to test these for a couple of months. Is this brand a hidden gem?? It certainly has integrity when held in the hand ;-)

Thanks for any help! Tony

-- Anthony Ragle (, August 04, 2000


Tony, I have recently bought two JML lenses on ebay. They are 209 and 305 mm long. I had them put into shutters by S.K. Grimes. I did not make any pictures with them so far. Will be able to test them in about two weeks. I can only say that their image circle is pretty large, both cover 8x10 with room for movements. If I remember well, Mr. Grimes told me that they were similar to Schneider's G Clarons.

-- Emil Salek (, April 08, 2001.

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