Long term storage of digital document information session

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Federal Information and Records Managers Council : One Thread

The Administrative Office of the US Courts is hosting Federal Government PDF user group meeting. A brief description is below. Seating is limited, but all persons now looking at the subject of long-term storage of digital documents are welcome. Where: Thurgood Marshal Federal Judiciary Building (next to Union Station) One Columbus Circle N.E. FJC Auditorium Date: August 22, 2000 Time: 8:30 - 3:30 Registration is easy. Email Stephen_levenson@ao.uscourts.gov and provide Your name, Agency and phone number. Also, include any special accommodation requirements that you may require. You will receive confirmation by email on August 16 with a full copy of the agenda. We may not be able to respond to participants we cannot accommodate. Seats are available on a first come first served basis. When you arrive at the building security will check you in and direct you to the meeting. Participants will be on their own for all food and drink. For this reason, there is no registration fee. The building has a cafeteria located in the building next to conference area. Union Station also has plenty of places to eat in the food court.

Long-term storage is of electronic documents is fundamental government service. PDF offers one of the solutions to collect, store and retain these files. This session will allow agencies to view current applications utilizing this technology as well as commercial applications. The information presented will be a blend of technical and management concepts. Adobe Corporation will take questions about their product and is looking for input to future product development. The attendee of this program will have a better understanding of the advantages and limitations of this product, be able to ask questions concerning their special agency needs and see several examples of current use.

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2000

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