recipe for fried cornbread : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Anybody have a recipe for fried corn bread ? grandma used to make it for serving with green beans cooked with potatos and salt pork...but mom cannot remember the recipe, she thinks it was..cornmeal, a little flour, a little butter, an egg and a little baking soda...I was looking for somthing a little more specific(grin)..It looked like pancakes, was not sweet..but crumble it up cover with green beans potatoes(cooked all day) with fresh onion on top and it was heavenly.Thanks.

-- diane (, July 29, 2000


Before I had my good dutch oven, and wanted good cornbread with our meals when camping, I would mix up my normal batch of cornbread from my Better Homes and Garden cookbook, and fry them up in a well greased cast iron skillet, much like you would pancakes. Not too much grease in the skillet, and be careful of the heat, but it worked well. The folks in frontier days did a simple version of this and called it johnny cake, or hoe cake; theirs had cornmeal and salt and water in it. No oil or levening or milk or sweetening, and it tastes very different from the stuff we call corn bread. But it was easy and a welcome addition to meals of game.

-- Leann Banta (, July 29, 2000.

Hi Diane, here's an old recipe you might want to try... 1 cup cornmeal, 1/2 tsp soda, 1/4 tsp salt, 2 eggs beaten, 1 1/2 cups buttermilk, 2 tsp. bacon drippings (or oil). Sift meal, soda and salt together. Add beaten eggs, then buttermilk. Stir until smooth. Add bacon drippings and mix well. Drop a TBL. of batter onto a hot greased skillet. Let brown on bottom, then turn quickly and lightly brown on other side.

-- Annie (, July 29, 2000.

I like Leanne's receipe. I enjoy the hoe cake my mom used to fix. Went really well with collards. That and some fried pork chops was my favorite 'home from school' meal.



-- j (, July 30, 2000.

I fry cornbread every day. My dh won't sit to a table what don't have fried cornbread and iced tea. The easiest and best way is to get a sack of Martha White Cornmeal and use the recipe on the back. But since I use plain cornmeal(No levening) heres mine. 2 cups plain cornmeal, 2 tablespoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup self-rising flour, 1 egg and enough milk to make a batter like pancakes. If you use buttermilk add 1/4 tsp. soda. Sweet milk works good too. I put about 1/4 inch of oil or bacon drippins in an iron skillet and cook them like pancakes. You can barely grease a griddle and cook them that way but they wont have a nice crispy crust like cookin them in a little oil. The best way to eat'em is the pot likker from any kind of greens or beans. My mama told me that the first baby food I ate was cornbread mashed up in black-eyed pea likker. She about had a heart attack when my father fed it to me because he liked to eat his peas with little very extremely hot peppers. I guess it didnt hurt me cause I still love peas and cornbread. My other favorite thing is to crumble a piece in a big glass and fill the glass with buttermilk. My husbands family eats it with sweet milk like that but I'm partial to the buttermilk version. Enjoy Peggy

-- Peggy (, July 30, 2000.

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