Filter to protect the Zeiss lens on the SONY!!? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have am getting a Sony DSC-S70 camera- wonderful camera- with the Zeiss lens and all, but how can I PROTECT that lens? How can I attach a UV or other glass filter over the lens? From what I have read, you can't easily attach a filter. Superglue? Does this camera have any sort of standard threads? Anyone know the answer to this one? I don't want to increase the size of the lens too much.


-- Pete Fuglestad (, July 21, 2000


Peter, you need a VAD-S70 video adapter lens, which takes a 52mm thread. The lens telescopes out in picture-taking mode and the VAD is the proper working length.

-- henry (, July 21, 2000.

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