A Still Good Cookbook

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When you are in used book stores check for Let's Cook It Right: Good Health Comes From Good Cooking by Adelle Davis. 625 pages. My edition is 1947. I think it was a best seller at the time. Basic premises was recipes and cooking methods which retain the greatest nutritive value and still have the best flavor, texture and color.

She also wrote at least three other books: Optimum Health, You Can Stay Well and Vitality Through Planned Nutrition.

It's a long shot, but see if your local library has or can get through interlibrary loan a copy.

-- Ken Scharabok (scharabo@aol.com), July 18, 2000


I have seen lots of her books at book sales, but didn't she die of cancer? Maybe I am wrong....

-- Leann Banta (thelionandlamb@hotmail.com), July 18, 2000.

She had several books including: Let' Have Healthy Kids or something like that. She alsot said,back in teh 50's, that if you eat the whole egg you don't have to worry about cholestrol because of the lecithin in the eggs. I don't know how she died, but she had some mighty good ideas on nutrition. You can still buy her book at some health food store. J.I. Rodale-Prevention Magazine-had a heart attack and died on national t.v. during an interview. What can you say?

-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), July 19, 2000.

Is J.I. Rodale the father or son? I know the founder of Organic Gardening (at one time Organic Farming and Gardening), and I want to say J.R., died in Moscow, Russia as the result of an automobile accident. He was there to try to start a Russian version of his magazine.

-- Ken Scharabok (scharabo@aol.com), July 19, 2000.

He was the father.

-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), July 19, 2000.

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