Info on Katadin : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I'm on 5 acres in California (near Sacramento) and would be interested in acquiring some Katadin sheep. Have heard they are good grass mowers, don't need shearing, easy breeders and healthy. Any information would be appreciated, pros and cons. I've had Cheviots and liked them except for the shearing.
-- Kathy Thomason (, July 16, 2000
Go through back issues of Countryside as there have been several articles on this breed of sheep. I raised four one summer as lawnmowers. Seem to prefer the grass at the base of the chainlink fence over the yard. There is a national association, but I cannot locate address.
-- Ken Scharabok (, July 18, 2000.
All you have heard about them is true. They are very easy to care for. They are also gentle with my childen, even when they try to ride on the big rams! We have some for sale, but we are in IL.
-- Jean (, July 18, 2000.