hallie's sparkling planet...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : daisychain : One Thread

so i decided that the craftsy idea from the end of the last one deserved its own topic. i know there are craftsy people abound here, and i'm half fishing for ideas, and half just boasting about my fabulous idea.

for anyone who missed it, there's a woodstock block party on august 19th and space rent for booths is super cheap. i plan to make a sparkling planet banner and hang a shingle saying "the Sparkling One is IN" in the tradition of lucy's quack psychiatric help, and go to town. i'm making eye pillows and sparkling dangly things (all to make your life just a little more comfy, and a little more sparkly) and i'm trying to think what else would be fun. they get traffic of a couple thousand people, and the guy next door makes ceramic tile; he may go in with me on it. anyone else interested? i'm open to ideas...

-- hallie (halliekendall@yahoo.com), July 16, 2000


Oooh! I have a crafty question. Numerous things I ordered for my large man's birthday delectation have not arrived, and now that I'm feeling better I want to make him something. Well, what he really wants that we can't afford is a big fancy windchime. I remember making these as a kid out of copper or aluminum pipe, cut to lengths my dad determined by experiment, texturing the outside with a grinder, etc. But he really wants one that chimes the notes on the Asian scale, um, I don't know the proper name, and I don't have perfect pitch or the resources to figure it all out, but the thing is, musn't SOMEBODY have done all this earwork and published details of which lengths of standard pipe sizes will produce which tones, and if so, where shall I find such a list? Any thoughts?

-- Gestati (MatiMS@aol.com), July 23, 2000.

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