need recipe from current issue (for whole wheat cereal) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I somehow misplaced my current issue with the recipe for whole wheat cereal that comes out like grape nuts. Could someone please post the recipe for me it is quite good. Thanks

-- Sarah l. Simmons (, July 14, 2000


Response to need recipe from current issue

There are two recipes in the current issue:

Fluffy Cracked Wheat or Rice Cereal: 1 3/4 cup water. 1 cup cracked brown rice or cracked wheat.

Put water and rice or wheat into havey saucepan. Bring to full boil, cover, turn off heat and let sit 15 min. or until water is absorbed. Flavor and vitamins are retained when heat is kept below boiling, so the lower the heat, the more nutritious. This could also be simmered for 15 minutes, for a texture more like mush. Serve hot with butter and soy sauce or whith milk and honey as a breakfast cereal.

Cooking variation: In a heated one quart thermos, add boiling water to dry rice or wheat and seal container. Lay thermos on its side and "cook" for 2--30 minutes. Serves four.

Honey Maple-Nuts: Tasty, toasty and quick-to-disappear. 3 cups wheat flour, 2 teaspoons maple flavoring, 1/2 cup dry milk powder, 1/4 cup melted honey, 1/2 cut brown sugar, 6 tablespoons water, 1/2 teaspoon salt.

Mix dry ingredients. Using electric mixer or rotary egg beater, add maple flavoring, honey and only enough water to moisten. Mixture should be very fine, just like commerical Grape Nuts. Spread on two or three baking sheets and bake at 325 degrees for 10 minutes. Stir to break up granules and bake 5-10 minutes longer, until golden brown. Cool and store in an air-tight container. Serve milk or milk substitute.

-- Ken Scharabok (, July 14, 2000.

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