Suggestions for do-it-yourself enlarger light source? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
I recently picked up a huge (16"x18") stat camera (used by graphic artists to reproduce line art, etc.) in perfect condition. I need to build a light source to convert this lovely tool to an 8x10 or 11x14 neg enlarger.I'd like to do a cold light source, but need some plans, what to buy, etc. Anybody able to suggest or help with this project?
I'll appreciate any and all ideas - Bill
-- bill youmans (, July 11, 2000
I would check with the cold light experts first.
They have several units that size that can be adapted to many different machines.
-- Tony Brent (, July 11, 2000.
I second the motion for Aristo. I also recommend not looking farther than Aristo.
-- Charlie Strack (, July 13, 2000.
I third that... I have been printing with an Aristo head for 15 years and love it! Cheers
-- Scott Walton (, July 17, 2000.