Opinions re: EagleEye Zoom & Kenko 8X32 add-on lenses

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I'd like to hear some opinions regarding the 5X Eagle Eye Zoom add on lens and the Kenko 8X monocular or any similar devices anyone has experience with. I have a PDR-M70 & PDR-M5, both with a 3X zoom, and I'd like a bit more range. They're supposed to come out with a 52mm adapter ring for the M70, like the one for the M5, so I'd like to get some feedback from users or just opinions from the forum readers.

I'd also be interested if anyone has recommendations for good teleconverters and suppliers.

Thanks for any replies!

-- Gerald M. Payne (gmp@surferz.net), July 11, 2000


I have the Eagleeye If you have a TTL camera it is great. I had a terrible struggle with the Oly 2000, as you have to use the screen to focus the lens etc.. Then I read a hint about using the Macro setting and turning the lens all the way to the left and now get along fine for quick shots.. .. The lens is well made and great magnification.. I had to use a CLA adapter with the Oly and due to that, I have to use the optical zoom and get the camera lens up next to the rear of the eagleye or I get vignetting(tunnel effect) Service, delivery and co-operation from Eagle Eye is super..

-- Chip (buflerchip@sisna.com), July 11, 2000.

I have the Eagleeye If you have a TTL camera it is great. I had a terrible struggle with the Oly 2000, as you have to use the screen to focus the lens etc.. Then I read a hint about using the Macro setting and turning the lens all the way to the left and now get along fine for quick shots.With a little practice you can use the viewfinder and still center your pictures.. For long range telephoto etc..I reccomend a tripod.. I have taken pics of mountains 12 miles away and you can discern individual pine trees on the mountain.. .. The lens is well made and great magnification.. I had to use a CLA adapter with the Oly and due to that, I have to use the optical zoom and get the camera lens up next to the rear of the eagleye or I get vignetting(tunnel effect) Service, delivery and co-operation from Eagle Eye is super..

-- Chip (buflerchip@sisna.com), July 11, 2000.


-- Chip (buflerchip@sisna.com), July 11, 2000.

I bought the EagleEye system - including the bracket for the camera and the viewing hood and I'm delighted with it. IT takes about 2 seconds to get used to the idea of putting the 5x on the camera and rolling focus so that the camera can take over. Images are very good.

The viewing screen is worth its weight in gold - I use it constantly to block out sunlight so I can see what the camera is seeing. I like it so much I'm thinking about ordering a backup..I can't image using the camera without it now.

It takes 10 days to get it, since it's shipped from England..but that's the ONLY hangup..the billing and shipping were right on time, as promised. And the folks at EagleEye are VERY responsive to questions.


Frank H.

-- Frank Herzog (Fherzog@mindspring.com), July 12, 2000.

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