
greenspun.com : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread

Hey Ravers!! I was just wanting to know if there are gonna be any raves in Wilmington and the age limits!! well gt back to me if u know anything!! erincarrie69@hotmail.com love ya lots ~*erin*~

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2000


Hey girlie. I moved to Wilmington about six months ago, and so far I haven't seen much of anything going on down here. I went to Tsunami 2, which was in Myrtle Beach at this 1/2 strip joint, 1/2 rave club (go go cages??) and that was all right. The clubs downtown, Marrz and Dot.Com are party oriented, Marrz only on Saturday though. I've been down there a few times. Dot.Com was full of candy kids in home- made clothes the last time I was there. Hope that helps.

-- Anonymous, January 08, 2001

Well there's this one night club they have called Marage right next to McAlister's on college and its a real fun place. On Saturday nights they have kinda like a teen night thing, and to get in you need your highschool ID. Thats about all really.

-- Anonymous, September 10, 2002

Hey peepz anyone in Wilmington breakdance? ppl on this board always say go out and watch someone who does it and learn, but noone is doing it so i need some feedback! anyone break in wilmington hit me up backseatboy@elvis.com

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2002

Yah I heard some good stuff bout Mirage. Used to be Confetti's, and alot of my friends go. Never been, tho. Gotta remember to get info... ^___~ Muchlove and P.L.U.R.!


-- Anonymous, July 09, 2003

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