Where can you buy colored tubes for ZoneVI VC enlargergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I have read different reviews of the Calumet/ZoneVI VC enlarger that uses a pair of blue and green florescent lights as opposed to a single white light, and find the concept exciting for printing. What I do not find exciting is the cost of the head for my D-2, which is around $900. After doing some research I could build my own head with a voltage stabalizer for each light, controls, diffusion screens, etc for about $250 plus the cost of the tubes. Calumet does not list the tubes on thier web site and have not returned an E-mail. Anyone out there know if they can be purchased or who the mfg is?
-- Jim Chinn (Jim68127@AOL.com), July 01, 2000
You might try Aristo. They can be reached at www.aristogrid.com, I believe. I use their VCL-4500 head and it is marvelous!
-- Robert A. Zeichner (razeichner@ameritech.net), July 02, 2000.
Aristo sells tubes, primarily as replacements.However, Aristo has a relatively new tube that has blue and green phosphors in the same tube. This is for VC printing. Although you would have to use filters, it might prove adequate.
-- Charlie Strack (charlie_strack@sti.com), July 03, 2000.