What was the oddest, most unexpected email you've ever received from someone you ONCE knew?

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What was the oddest, most unexpected email you've ever received from someone you ONCE knew?--Al

-- Al Schroeder (al.schroeder@nashville.com), July 01, 2000


My father forwarded a letter that an OLD friend had sent to my work's generic email address. A letter from my old friend Dave whom I hadnt seen since I left West Aussie 3 years previously.

He told me that he had been through re-hab and was off heroin. It was one of the best emails ive ever gotten since being online.

He told me before I left about his problems, and also told me that I was the only one he could talk to about it... leaving was so hard.

It was great to know he was still alive.

-- vanessa (rain@noosa.com.au), July 01, 2000.

Recently I've been keeping a website that provided progress reports of my husband & niece's climb on Denali (Mt. McKinley). They reached the summit, by the way......But somehow a guy I used to work with 20 years ago found the site, and sent me an e-mail telling me that he wanted me to write him back, etc. Now, he and I never - EVER - had any kind of a thing - not even a friendship. He was just a guy in another department. He didn't register on my radar, if you know what I mean. He wasn't even pleasant to me back then, either. So it was odd, to receive an e-mail telling me how much he remembered me and to write him back...... The tone of his message gave me the creeps. I didn't write him back.

-- Planet Earth (imagine@industrial-ideas.com), July 01, 2000.

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