Eat At Joe's needs to find Anthony!!!!!! : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

While I know that this message board is for relevant questions and posts on people's ministries, I really need to find this person named Anthony.

Anthony, you called us about a month or so ago, and we set up a couple of tentative concerts with you in Missouri for the 8th and 9th of July.

We haven't been able to get in contact with you since that date, and we would love to hear from you again in order to make the final arrangements and contractual agreements.

Please email us at, or call us at (785) 770-3976, (785) 770-3752, (785) 770-8074, (785) 313-3718, (785) 313-3992, or (785) 969-2821. Yes, I know that's a bunch of numbers, but we really need to get hold of you in order to hash out the particulars.

Thanks to all the rest of you who read this and are understanding of it.

J. Albert - Eat At Joe's Ministries 1405 Laramie, Manhattan Ks 66502 Web: Email: Business Line: (785) 770-3976 Home Lines: (785) 770-8074 (Jamie Maize) (785) 770-3752 (J. Albert) Cell Lines: (785) 313-3718 (Jamie Maize) (785) 313-3992 (J. Albert) (785) 969-2821 (Travis Sumner)

-- Anonymous, June 29, 2000

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